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Make Contact. Only Connect.

The Shoreline is the place where change takes place when the sea contacts the land. A connection is made.

When two individuals make contact for the purpose of counselling, this is the place when change occurs. Insight and contentment can begin to take shape for you. I can provide a counselling relationship which will allow you to feel safe enough to explore your challenges and problems.

I have worked with individuals who have asked for help with addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bereavement, relationship problems; as well as those who feel there is a lack or void in their everyday life which they wish to understand and fill.


I have both an MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy and a Postgraduate Diploma in Person Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy and I am a registered member of BACP. I also have previous extensive experience working with individuals in education, advice and support.

My work is guided by the BACP code of ethics.


Please phone, text or e-mail to arrange a meeting.

Take control of the tide?


At Shoreline I offer a caring, non-judgemental and safe relationship where you can explore your feelings. Once you are able to voice your inner troubles, you can begin to find clarity.

There are many reasons people give for coming to counselling such as depression, anxiety, addiction, relationship struggles, bereavement, need for support with life’s challenges, unwanted overwhelming feelings, loneliness, help with accepting a major life change.

Here are some of the things people have said to me before counselling:


  • I feel low and I don’t know why

  • I feel that I should be over his death by now

  • I feel that I am different from everyone else

  • I no longer want to live with this lack of confidence

  • My relationship is over but I cannot let go after all this time

  • Anger about my childhood is preventing me from being happy now


And after:


  • My confidence has grown so I feel I can walk into a room of strangers and not feel anxious

  • For the first time ever I am free of drugs and feel in control of my emotions

  • I do not mind so much if I feel someone does not like me, because I like myself

  • This has been a great support at a time when I have had nobody else to talk to

  • I am now able to make my own decisions

  • I have witnessed people change and grow in ways that they and others did not expect or hope for.


I have worked with those who feel there is a lack or void in their everyday life which they wish to understand. I offer a safe, confidential space where you can feel free to explore your particular issues, find insight and work to fill the void.

Make a no-obligations enquiry:

‘Make Contact. Only Connect’

For in person, telephone or zoom video counselling.

Please contact me. If you leave a message I will get back to you to arrange an initial meeting.

The Old Post Office, Heysham

Tel: (01524) 859332

Mobile: 07954108909



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Christine Shore





"It has meant a lot to me to have somewhere to go and someone to talk to during this period. It's not always easy to find that place and person"



"Thanks so much for your patience and understanding"



"It has been a safe place at a time of difficulty"



"I left with my faith in counselling and humanity restored"



"Years of trauma and pain dealt with in a safe environment"



"The sessions felt like a safe, open and respectful place"



"I have learned some interesting things about myself"




My Thoughts


I believe that it is the therapeutic relationship itself which will bring about change.  This change appears to be deep and lasting as opposed to surface change.




My strongest belief is of the person as a motivated, creative and constructive being who will find a way to develop and be fulfilled.   When I look at this statement I can see it looks overly optimistic and naive but I arrive at it over a long period of time, through my observation of others as well as my own personal experience.




The understanding is that within the circumstances of the therapeutic relationship, with the client as expert on himself and with the potential to find his own direction, fundamental and enduring change can occur.  


Turn the tide


When working in education and support professions I often meet people who have been given the message from authority that they are failures. 


This can be burdensome and restricting, yet the resilience of people continues to protect them and if they can be accompanied by another who believes in their positive and creative drives, life can change. 


I have brought these beliefs with me to the practice of counselling. I am not there to change any faults in a person but to work with their potential for self- fulfilment.


Carl Rogers wrote “the curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I change” (1961- On becoming a person: a therapist's view of psychotherapy.)





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Shoreline Couselling Services

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